By Gracie
It was a playdate with some of the kids of Bellisseria. They came in their best Halloween costumes and well, they played. What do kids do, I asked myself, what do they enjoy and where are their parents? Well, wonder no more because as we played in the big ol’ Randelsham Treehouse, I got to chat with a few of the kids and what a treat of a playdate it was for me!

I’ve found that some kids have families and some don’t. So curiously I wondered where these kids with no family live…well, everywhere I suppose! That was about the sum of the answers I got and how wonderful it was to see kids who have big families and some who just explore the worlds of wonder in SL from a tiny point of view. The Kids of Bellisseria don’t get enough credit, sometimes they get overlooked and even ignored but they are still a part of Bellisseria. They enjoy playing, chatting and I have to say, they do laugh a whole lot! What a joy and what a concept… laughing all the time and just enjoying the simple things. We could all use a lesson on that.
They are funny too. Lillie came dressed as a pea in a pod. Yes it was quite cute and speaking of cute, there was Chatty and Cutie dressed as Batman and Robin, they had little pet side kicks too! Laura was enjoying the time with friends and even though Kippy wasn’t at the playdate, we stayed in touch and here’s what Kippy had to say:
“It's fun being a kid in Bellisseria. Whether it's teasing the moles about their dancing skills until they finally drop what they're doing and dance with me, or waking up my uncle Patch by flinging dirty socks at his front door and laughing at him as he hollers and flails them back at me, or riding past my child psychologist Dr. Alex Zelin's house and making her think she's going crazy by using my cell phone to change her music and tv shows from outside; there's always stuff I can find to do! Plus, I like that the adults plan for us kids when they do big events at the Fairgrounds, and that we don't get shushed when we join in their chats. Even when I'm a brat, Bellisseria is nice to me. It's a great place to live and play. ♥” Kippy Numbers (kiptin), age 9

Though our conversations were much like butterflies swarming all over the place, they were indeed beautiful to listen to. The carefree and fun-loving chatter of kids was actually interesting and fun. They enjoy the use of gestures…A…LOT. And I have to say it was extremely cute because if there were ever a group to know how to use gestures, it’s definitely the kids. They love to play and have fun and they are just as squirrely as you would imagine them to be.

Are they going Trick-or-Treating? You bet they are! It was a unanimous “*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*YESSSSSS!!!!*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*” and they plan on eating A LOT OF CANDY! Trick-or-Treating around Bellisseria is a lot like RL as they get excited to dress up and go to all the activities that Bellisseria has to offer. Since Bellisseria is family-friendly, this makes it very easy for the Bellisseria Kids to join in. Don’t be afraid to talk to them, you might actually enjoy the conversations to be had.
And before the end of our playdate, little Halloween toy boats were passed out for them to play in the lake near the treehouse and I have to say, they could not move fast enough to get to the water with their new toys! This was a wonderful treat getting to know a few of the kids of Bellisseria and I think you should get to know them too! Don’t forget to include them as they will surely show up!

Do you want to join the *Bellisseria Kids* group? Join HERE
Did you know there are special sales events just for kids too? If you want visit a cool Halloween shopping event just for the kids of SL, go and visit Happy Tots Halloween Fair starting October 1-31. A lot of kid-friendly shops, gifts you can buy for others and things you might even find for yourself!
TP to Happy Tots Halloween Fair
Other fun kid shopping events include:
To the Moon & Back
Just to name a few of so many more!