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Awesome Day Editor

Loves to read, write and take pictures but mostly loves to have fun... oh and loves cupcakes. Favorite color is purple and lives on Bellisseria full time on her houseboat appropriately named "Just Add Water", that is when RL doesn't bother her.  A California girl that loves hanging out with friends  (◠‿◠✿).  


George is her imaginary best friend. Goodnight Gracie ♥



Story Scribbler

Already known as a guitarist and live music performer in real life and on the gird, Larree Quixote is also a writer of fiction and satire. He can even get a little serious sometimes. But just a little. He is the founder of the Belisseria Homeless Union group and lives in the Bellisseria Homeless Union House. He is always glad to entertain visitors at the pad. Drop by anytime and rez a vehicle to cruise the roads, or a spaceship to explore Bellisseria from above!


Web-Dev / Photo-taker

Loves playing with photography and the color pink ❀.  She's a chatter bug if you can catch her not shopping and loves her stilt home on Bellisseria where she lives with her Kona Linden kitty cat.  She pays attention to details so watch out if your hair has fallen off, she'll be sure to hand it back to you.  Make her laugh and you'll be joining in on the giggles too!

 The life of Pi xelz ©



Photographers / Writers

We thank the freelance writers and photographers that contribute to Bellisseria LIFE ♥



Your Title Here

We are seeking people who like to write, take pictures or share what's happening around the Bellisseria continent! Come join us and share your talents with Bellisseria Life.  Together we can make the community strong!

Bellissaria LIFE

© 2021 by Bellisseria LIFE. Proudly created with

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