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Writer's pictureBellisseria LIFE

Lost Without the World Map

Updated: Feb 11, 2022

By Larree Quixote

I am lost. I can't find my way home. I have no sense of direction. North, South, East, West. Where am I? When are the fine people at Linden Labs finally going to fix the World Map? I walk. I run. I drive and I fly. I travel on water by boat, surfboard, and submarine. But I don't know where I am going anymore. I can't plan my route. I am now traveling blind

I always loved maps. Even when I was a kid. I remember when you could get free maps at gas stations all across the land. State maps, city maps, and maps of the entire USA. And of course, every library had a world atlas. I loved highway maps and topographical maps. I still love maps. And I especially loved the Second Life World Map.

So I have to ask. When? When is Linden Labs finally going to fix the map? Perhaps this may seem like nitpicking to some. But to me, the map is an essential part of Second Life. The World Map connects me to the entirety of our vast virtual world. Bellisseria and the mainland continents used to exist in my mind, but not anymore. Not without a functional world map. I just want it to work.

I remember using the world map to plan my first non-stop flight from my old home in the snowlands to Bellisseria. I studied the map for hours and followed my route with precision and accuracy. I took off from the Braniff-Unity Chamonix Regional Airport in the region of Minarlo Vite, flew East across the continent, and then turned South and crossed into Bellisseria where I was able to land safely on the airstrip at the Fairgrounds. I never could have done it without the World Map.

So Linden Labs, I am begging you. Begging! Please fix the map. It is getting painful now. Waiting for you guys to fix the World map is almost as bad as waiting for our government to send me my stimulus check! It is taking you guys so long to get this done, I can watch my nose hairs grow while I wait! Please get this done already. I want to be able to pan out on the map and see the whole world. You are making it virtually impossible for a map loving explorer to fully enjoy the SL experience. I feel like I am going to wake up on some island in the middle of the Blake Sea and build a fire that says, “Send Help!”


Gigging in SL

I love singing and playing in SL, but COVID has amplified my need to make real money for my time. Even my SL time. I just can't dig it when I play my ass off for a solid hour and make the L$ equivalent of $1.85 US. I can almost buy a half-gallon of gas for that massive amount of change. Hell, I could do better making Nike shoes in China. I am done with tips-only shows. If you own a venue and can't pay me the equivalent of a donut and a cup of coffee, or a cheap lunch combo at a fast-food joint for my time, I just can't do it anymore. It's too painful. I am months behind on my RL rent, and can't pay my bills anymore. My cat eats better than me these days. And I'm not talking about my SL cat. I am talking about my RL cat!


And On the Positive Side…

I love the work that the Moles are doing. They keep getting better and better at their work. The landscaping is fabulous. The homes are fabulous. Everything is just grand in Bellisseria. The people and the parties, and all the cool events. And people are so creative with their homes. Art museums, coffee houses, bars, and blues clubs.

I just wish I could watch it grow on the world map!

… more to come.

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